The world of Borvia exists!
In Shegara, a small region in the land of Borvia, there existed a pair of fleshy talismans known as "The Nuts of Prophecy", which possessed mysterious powers. Descended from the body of Izmir himself, the Nuts were said to be able to predict the future, and were sought after by many.
Over many years the Nuts passed from hand to hand, always leaving chaos and madness in their wake.
After years of conflict, the Borvian Order of Fudgepackers came into possession of the Nuts. Recognizing that no mortal could safely possess them, the Nuts were hidden, and after generations, lost.
It is said that when the Nuts are located, it will bring either great joy or great sorrow to the land of Borvia.
You are the hero, 'Drona'! What adventures await you when The Nuts of Prophecy descend again?
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